
海平面上升的“人性面”: 保护受影响的人

斯帕特里·特莱斯 法眼看南海

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海平面上升的“人性面”: 保护受影响的人



Patricia Galvao Teles





本文原载于《美国大学国际法评论》(American Uniersity International Law Review)2023年第3期,题目为“海平面上升的‘人性面’:保护受影响的人”(The "Human Face" of Sea Level Rise: Protection of persons Affected)。本文谨代表作者立场,不代表平台和译者观点,限于篇幅省略脚注和注释。如需获取全文,请点击文末“阅读原文”免费下载。


我今天的任务是向你们谈谈保护受海平面上升影响的人们。 这是委员会正在处理的分专题之一——昨天你们听到了很多关于海洋法问题和《与国际法有关的海平面上升问题研究组共同主席波格丹·奥雷斯库和尼吕费尔·奥拉尔编写的第一次问题文件》(以下简称《第一次问题文件》的内容。今年,有一份新的议题文件,即《第二次问题文件》,它是由我本人和我非常亲爱的同事兼共同主席胡安·何塞·鲁达·桑托拉里亚先生编写的,他将在下面就国家地位分专题向各位发言,该分专题构成委员会正在审议的三个分专题。当然,我们将向大家介绍的内容与我们目前所处的工作阶段有关,涉及国家地位和人员保护这两个分专题,这两个分专题是《第二次问题文件》的一部分,比《第一次问题文件》中讨论的海洋法问题处于更早的阶段,委员会对此进行了充分讨论,第六委员会也收到了各国的反馈意见。我们仍处于较早阶段,我们将通过我们自己关于研究小组讨论情况的报告,然后第六委员会也将作出评论。我们现在提出的内容肯定比昨天讨论的内容更具有初步性质。



My task today is to speak to you about the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise. This is one of the sub-topics that the Commission is dealing with—yesterday you heard a lot about the law of the sea issues, and the First Issues Paper. And this year, there is a new issues paper, the Second Issues Paper, which was prepared by myself and my verydear colleague and Co-Chair, Mr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria, who will speak to you next on the sub-topic of statehood, which composes the three sub-topics that the Commission is looking at. Of course, what we are going to present to you has to do with the stage of the work that we are at, with regard to the two sub-topics of statehood and protection of persons, which form part of the Second Issues Paper and that are at an earlier stage than the law of the sea issues discussed in the First Issues Paper, which had a full discussion in the Commission and also had feedback from States in the Sixth Committee. We are still in an earlier stage, and we are to adopt our own report on the discussions of the Study Group and then the Sixth Committee will also make its comments. What we are presenting is certainly more preliminary in nature than what was discussed yesterday.

On the topic of the protection of persons affected by sea-level rise, I call it the “human face” of sea-level rise. This is, as we all know, a phenomenon that has multifold dimensions and has the potential, on the human dimension, not only to affect the enjoyment of human rights, but it can also lead to significant internal or international movement of persons. This is something that came out very clearly from our paper and research that there is not a dedicated legal framework or a distinct legal status for persons affected by sea-level rise. That is the starting point of our paper, and in the paper, we proceeded to do a mapping of the potentially applicable legal frameworks pertaining to the protection of sea-level rise, from human rights law to humanitarian law, refugee law, and law concerning migrants, disasters, and climate change. We have tried to do this mapping exercise, and I refer you to the paper, more in a descriptive than a prescriptive nature, and also taking into account that in many cases this potentially applicable legal framework is of a soft law character—I will come back to some of the examples.

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图文编辑/翻译:胡楠  江苏大学法学院本科生 

审校:徐奇 暨南大学法学院/知识产权学院副教授 



