


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidance for Judicial Office Holders


12 December 2023




This guidance has been developed to assist judicial office holders in relation to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).


It sets out key risks and issues associated with using AI and some suggestions for minimising them. Examples of potential uses are also included.


Any use of AI by or on behalf of the judiciary must be consistent with the judiciary’s overarching obligation to protect the integrity of the administration of justice.


This guidance applies to all judicial office holders under the Lady Chief Justice and Senior President of Tribunal’s responsibility, their clerks and other support staff.


Common Terms


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence.



Generative AI

A form of AI which generates new content, which can include text, images, sounds and computer code. Some generative AI tools are designed to take actions.



Generative AI chatbot

A computer program which simulates an online human conversation using generative AI. Publicly available examples are ChatGPT, Google Bard and Bing Chat.


使用生成式AI模拟在线人类对话的计算机程序。公开可用的例子包括ChatGPT、Google Bard和Bing Chat。

Large Language Model (LLM)

LLMs are AI models which learns to predict the next best word or part of a word in a sentence having been trained on enormous quantities of text. ChatGPT and Bing Chat use the OpenAI Large Language Model.


大型语言模型是AI模型,通过在大量文本上训练,学会预测句子中下一个最佳单词或单词部分。ChatGPT和Bing Chat使用的是OpenAI的大型语言模型。

Machine Learning (ML)

A branch of AI that uses data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving accuracy. Through the use of statistical methods algorithms are trained to make classifications or predictions, and to uncover key insights in data mining projects.



Technology Assisted Review (TAR)

AI tools used as part of the disclosure process to identify potentially relevant documents. In TAR a machine learning system is trained on data created by lawyers identifying relevant documents manually, then the tool uses the learned criteria to identify other similar documents from very large disclosure data sets.



Guidance for responsible use of AI in Courts and Tribunals


 # 01  

Understand AI and its applications


Before using any AI tools, ensure you have a basic understanding of their capabilities and potential limitations.


Some key limitations:


  • Public AI chatbots do not provide answers from authoritative databases. They generate new text using an algorithm based on the prompts they receive and the data they have been trained upon. This means the output which AI chatbots generate is what the model predicts to be the most likely combination of words (based on the documents and data that it holds as source information). It is not necessarily the most accurate answer.

  • 面向公众的AI聊天机器人不提供来自权威数据库的答案。它们使用基于收到的提示和它们基于数据训练的算法生成新文本。这意味着AI聊天机器人生成的输出是模型预测的最可能的词组合(基于它作为源信息持有的文件和数据)。这并不一定是最准确的答案。

  • As with any other information available on the internet in general, AI tools may be useful to find material you would recognise as correct but have not got to hand, but are a poor way of conducting research to find new information you cannot verify. They may be best seen as a way of obtaining non-definitive confirmation of something, rather than providing immediately correct facts.

  • 与互联网上的任何其他信息一样,一般来说,AI工具可能有助于找到你认为正确但手头没有的材料,但却不是寻找无法验证的新信息的好方法。它们最好被视为获取某事的非决定性确认的方式,而不是提供立即正确的事实。

  • The quality of any answers you receive will depend on how you engage with the relevant AI tool, including the nature of the prompts you enter. Even with the best prompts, the information provided may be inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, or biased.

  • 您收到的任何答案的质量将取决于您如何使用相关的AI工具,包括您输入的提示的性质。即使是最好的提示,提供的信息也可能是不准确的、不完整的、误导的或有偏见的。

  • The currently available LLMs appear to have been trained on material published on the internet. Their “view” of the law is often based heavily on US law although some do purport to be able to distinguish between that and English law.

  • 目前可用的LLMs似乎是在互联网上发布的材料上进行训练的。它们对法律的“看法”通常基于美国法律,尽管有些LLMs声称能够区分美国法律和英国法律。

 # 02  

Uphold confidentiality and privacy


Do not enter any information into a public AI chatbot that is not already in the public domain. Do not enter information which is private or confidential. Any information that you input into a public AI chatbot should be seen as being published to all the world.


The current publicly available AI chatbots remember every question that you ask them, as well as any other information you put into them. That information is then available to be used to respond to queries from other users. As a result, anything you type into it could become publicly known.


You should disable the chat history in AI chatbots if this option is available. This option is currently available in ChatGPT and Google Bard but not yet in Bing Chat.

如果有可能,您应该在AI聊天机器人中禁用聊天记录。目前ChatGPT和Google Bard提供了这个选项,但Bing Chat尚未提供。

Be aware that some AI platforms, particularly if used as an App on a smartphone, may request various permissions which give them access to information on your device. In those circumstances you should refuse all such permissions.


In the event of unintentional disclosure of confidential or private information you should contact your leadership judge and the Judicial Office. If the disclosed information includes personal data the disclosure should reported as a data incident.


In future AI tools designed for use in the courts and tribunals may become available but, until that happens, you should treat all AI tools as being capable of making public anything entered into them.


 # 03 

Ensure accountability and accuracy


The accuracy of any information you have been provided by an AI tool must be checked before it is used or relied upon.


Information provided by AI tools may be inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or out of date. Even if it purports to represent English law, it may not do so.


AI tools may:


  • make up fictitious cases, citations or quotes, or refer to legislation, articles or legal texts that do not exist

  • 编造虚构的案例、引用或引文,或引用不存在的法律、文章或法律文本

  • provide incorrect or misleading information regarding the law or how it might apply, and

  • 提供有关法律或法律适用的错误或误导性的信息

  • make factual errors

  • 产生事实性错误

 # 04  

Be aware of bias


AI tools based on LLMs generate responses based on the dataset they are trained upon. Information generated by AI will inevitably reflect errors and biases in its training data.


You should always have regard to this possibility and the need to correct this.


 # 05  

Maintain security


Follow best practices for maintaining your own and the court/tribunals’ security.


Use work devices (rather than personal devices) to access AI tools.


Use your work email address.


If you have a paid subscription to an AI platform, use it. (Paid subscriptions have been identified as generally more secure than non‑paid). However, beware that there are a number of 3rd party companies that licence AI platforms from others and are not as reliable in how they may use your information. These are best avoided.


If there has been a potential security breach, see (2) above.


 # 06  

Take Responsibility 


Judicial office holders are personally responsible for material which is produced in their name. Judges are not generally obliged to describe the research or preparatory work which may have been done in order to produce a judgment. Provided these guidelines are appropriately followed, there is no reason why generative AI could not be a potentially useful secondary tool. If clerks, judicial assistants, or other staff are using AI tools in the course of their work for you, you should discuss it with them to ensure they are using such tools appropriately and taking steps to mitigate any risks. If using a Dom 1 laptop you should also ensure that such use has HMCTS service manager approval.

司法人员对以其个人名义生成的材料承担个人责任。法官通常没有说明为制作判决所进行的研究或准备工作的义务。只要适当遵循这些准则,生成式人工智能完全有可能成为一个潜在有用的辅助工具。如果书记员、法官助手或其他工作人员在为您工作的过程中使用了人工智能工具,您应当与他们讨论,确保他们适当地使用这些工具并采取措施降低风险。如果使用的是Dom 1型号的笔记本电脑,您还应当确保此类使用已得到英国法院及审裁处事务局(HMCTS)服务经理的审批。

 # 07  

Be aware that court/tribunal users may have used AI tools


Some kinds of AI tools have been used by legal professionals for a significant time without difficulty. For example, TAR is now part of the landscape of approaches to electronic disclosure. Leaving aside the law in particular, many aspects of AI are already in general use for example in search engines to auto-fill questions, in social media to select content to be delivered, and in image recognition and predictive text.


All legal representatives are responsible for the material they put before the court/tribunal and have a professional obligation to ensure it is accurate and appropriate. Provided AI is used responsibly, there is no reason why a legal representative ought to refer to its use, but this is dependent upon context.


Until the legal profession becomes familiar with these new technologies, however, it may be necessary at times to remind individual lawyers of their obligations and confirm that they have independently verified the accuracy of any research or case citations that have been generated with the assistance of an AI chatbot.


AI chatbots are now being used by unrepresented litigants. They may be the only source of advice or assistance some litigants receive. Litigants rarely have the skills independently to verify legal information provided by AI chatbots and may not be aware that they are prone to error. If it appears an AI chatbot may have been used to prepare submissions or other documents, it is appropriate to inquire about this, and ask what checks for accuracy have been undertaken (if any). Examples of indications that text has been produced this way are shown below.


AI tools are now being used to produce fake material, including text, images and video. Courts and tribunals have always had to handle forgeries, and allegations of forgery, involving varying levels of sophistication. Judges should be aware of this new possibility and potential challenges posed by deepfake technology.


Examples: Potential uses and risks of Generative AI in Courts and Tribunals


Potentially useful tasks


  • AI tools are capable of summarising large bodies of text. As with any summary, care needs to be taken to ensure the summary is accurate.

  • AI工具能够总结大量文本。与任何总结一样,需要注意确保总结的准确性。

  • AI tools can be used in writing presentations, e.g. to provide suggestions for topics to cover.

  • AI工具可用于撰写演讲,例如为需要涵盖的主题提供建议。

  • Administrative tasks like composing emails and memoranda can be performed by AI.

  • AI可执行撰写电子邮件和备忘录等行政任务。

Tasks not recommended


  • Legal research: AI tools are a poor way of conducting research to find new information you cannot verify independently. They may be useful as a way to be reminded of material you would recognise as correct.

  • 法律研究:AI工具是寻找无法独立验证的新信息的糟糕方式。它们可能可以用作提醒您认为正确的材料的方式。

  • Legal analysis: the current public AI chatbots do not produce convincing analysis or reasoning.

  • 法律分析:当前面向公众的AI聊天机器人不会产生令人信服的分析或推理。

Indications that work may have been produced by AI:


  • references to cases that do not sound familiar, or have unfamiliar citations (sometimes from the US)

  • 引用不常见的案例(有时来自美国)

  • parties citing different bodies of case law in relation to the same legal issues

  • 当事方就同一法律问题引用不同的案例法;

  • submissions that do not accord with your general understanding of the law in the area

  • 提交的内容与您对该领域法律的一般理解不符;

  • submissions that use American spelling or refer to overseas cases, and

  • 提交的内容使用美国拼写或提及海外案例;

  • content that (superficially at least) appears to be highly persuasive and well written, but on closer inspection contains obvious substantive errors.

  • 内容(至少表面上)看起来极具说服力和写作精良,但仔细检查后包含明显的实质性错误。

本文转载自 数据何规

信息源:UK Courts and Tribunals Judiciary






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